Home The 100 Guy The value of the somewhat rare $2 bill

The value of the somewhat rare $2 bill

by Chris Butsch

I hadn’t seen a $2 bill for years when I noticed schoolmate Rip Black tipping with them. Having loved them since attending its 1976 re-introduction, I adopted Rip’s paean to Mr. Jefferson, tipping with them since. I gave one to an Uber driver recently – he stared at it, announcing, “This one’s going in the wallet!”

Last week, when I asked the teller for them, she smiled, lifting a large roll. “These just came in from a strip club.”

“What? I thought people tipped with $1 bills there,” I asked.

“Mr. Schroder, you obviously haven’t been to a club lately!”

Chris Schroder, The 100 Companies

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