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About Us

by Admin

The 100 Companies is a digital brand journalism publishing network created by journalists and communications professionals to meet the needs of businesses and readers in today’s fast-paced digital world.

For nearly three centuries, editors and advertisers controlled the media, relegating communications professionals, media relations advocates and ordinary citizens to suggesting or demanding coverage for their clients and causes. In the past decade – with publishers downsizing, advertising budgets declining, the media marketplace fractionalizing and attention spans shrinking – the ability to connect communicators with their target audiences became more challenging than ever.

Veteran award-winning journalist, advertising designer and PR firm founder Chris Schroder realized there was an innovative solution to this challenge. In 2013, Schroder and his team launched an innovative digital publishing platform harnessing the power of a concise eNewsletter, a Google-News-certified website and allied social media channels called The Atlanta 100, featuring 100-word articles, 100-second videos and podcasts on topics of intrigue. It was an instant hit, winning journalism and marketing industry awards, the attention of international communicators and the hearts of appreciative readers. Today, in concert with other innovative publishers bringing their own voice and creativity to the platform, The 100 Companies has evolved into an international network.

Schroder presented The Atlanta 100’s success to the Public Relations Society of America’s Counselors Academy in 2015 and to PRSA’s International Conference in 2016. The response from attendees was instantaneous and dramatic. Today, The 100 Companies manages a network of digital channels in over two dozen markets from Denali to Dubai, including The Houston 100. The concept has expanded from its PR origins to include market publications for municipal governments, vertical industries as well as traditional journalism and corporate-sponsored models – all still featuring our trademark 100-word articles in the eNewsletters (with expanded online versions), videos and podcasts.

The stories, photos, videos and podcasts contained herein are written by The 100 Companies LLC and its members for the benefit of its members, partners, sponsors, clients and readers. We hope you’ll enjoy our content and share it with other members of your community.

The Houston 100

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